Consent to Contact

By checking the “I agree” box and then clicking the “Submit” button or any other such link assenting to our terms, you agree that we may contact you in any reasonable way including, SMS/text messages, calls using a prerecorded message, and calls and messages delivered using an auto telephone dialing system or an automatic texting system. Further, in the event that one of our agents or representatives calls, he or she may leave a message on your answering machine, voicemail, or send one via text.

Your consent to receive SMS/text messages and telephone calls as agreed to above allows us, our agents, our representatives, or anyone calling on our behalf to contact you at the specific number(s) you have provided, or at numbers that we can reasonably associate with your account, with information or questions about your application, loan, or account. Further, you hereby certify that the telephone number(s) that you have provided to us is/are in fact your contact number(s) and that you are permitted to receive calls at each of the telephone numbers you have provided. You also agree to promptly alert us whenever you stop using a particular telephone number whenever it becomes inconvenient to receive such calls.

Please note that your cellular or mobile telephone provider may charge you for our calls, SMS/texts, or messages depending on the type of plan you have. You should consult your cellular/mobile provider for details. Your consent above also authorizes us to contact you by email through any email address you have provided or that you may provide in the future. Lastly, we reserve the right to monitor or record any phone call between you and our representatives without notice and as permitted by applicable law.